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Prof. XiaoQing Feng Attended and Made Specialized Speech in the Advanced Seminar
2015-07-07     (点击: )

Prof. XiaoQing Feng was invited to attend the “Issues on the Revision of Copyright law” advanced seminar on June 3rd, 2015. This seminar was hosted by the Beijing School of Intellectual Property and the Beijing Institute of Intellectual Property (short for BSIP/BIIP). The Vice President & Prof. YuRong Sun of BSIP/BIIP made the opening speech and hosted the seminar. Scholars and experts from CUPL, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Technology, UIEB, and Beijing Jiaotong University made deep-level discussion on issues of Copyright Law revision.

To the very beginning, Prof. Feng made the specialized speech on the title of “Issues and Suggestion of the Revision of Copyright Law”. He indicated that the revision of Article One—legislative purpose—brought about significant value. The “revised draft” granted neighboring rights to communicators. For one, the addition manifested the legal position of publishers, performers, makers of sound recording, radio organization, and TV station under current Copyright Law, which confirmed the contribution by communicators to works, and indicated the importance of communicators. For another, the revision also established the legislative system and improved the entire system of copyright law. Prof. Feng pointed out that Article One should concentrate on the value of exploitation on works. Hence, he suggested the revision of article from “creation and distribution” to “creation, distribution and exploitation”. Since Article One had already stated the “Spiritual Civilization and Material Civilization of Socialism”, the later section “improve the development and prosperity of culture, science, and economy under socialism” should be revised as “improve the development and prosperity of national culture, science, and economic”. As a result, the entire Article One should be modified as “To protect literature, artistic, and scientific works as well as the neighboring right of communicators, to encourage the creation, distribution, and exploitation that benefiting the spiritual and material civilization of socialism, and to encourage the development and prosperity of national culture, science, and economy, enact this law according to the Constitution.” Prof. Feng also indicated the revision of Copyright Law should add clear definition on “copyright”. In addition, He argued that Chapter Four “Limit of Rights” should be further modified and supplemented, especially the provision “copy part of other people’s works of publication for the purpose of individual study or research.” The seminar reached a great success in the end.

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