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“Research on the Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Info
2015-07-07     (点击: )

The Major Project of National Social Science Foundation “Research on the Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Information Database” (10&ZD133) 2015 Annual Conference/Academic Seminar was held by the Research Center for Intangible Assets Management in China University of Political Science and Law (short for RCIAM), and the Institute of Intellectual Property under Civil, Commercial, and Economic Law Department in China University of Political Science and Law (short for IIPL & CCEL) from June 13rd to June 14th, 2015. During this conference, the Chief Expert of “Research on the Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Information Database”, the Director of Institute of Intellectual Property and Research Center of Intangible Assets Management, the Dissertation Supervisor, Prof. XiaoQing Feng hosted the conference. Other hosts for each sub-conferences came from the IIPL in CUPL includes Prof. YuXiang Li, Prof. LiPing Chen, Prof. Ying Liu, and Associate Prof. Jian Chen as well as Associate Prof. YouHua Liu from Xiang Tan University. Totally 70 scholars, experts, researchers from National Library of China, State Intellectual Property Office, IIPL, School of Information Management of Wu Han University, Business School of Nan Kai University, XiangTan University Intellectual Property Institute, Intellectual Property Institute of Harbin Engineering University, School of Information Management of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guang Dong AoKai Information Corporation, WanYou Science & Technology Corporation attended this conference.

Prof. Feng led the “Research on the Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Information Database” project since December 2012. During the five years period, the research team had made significant achievements and the project was close to completed. The conference made summary on current status and achievements, put forth suggestion for improvement, and proposed further agenda for future design and plan.

This conference consisted of four sessions, including the speech of “Research on the Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Information Database”, the discussion of “Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Information Database”, the assessing of “IP Know” website operation, and the development and improvement of “IP Know” website. Scholars and experts from various areas such as intellectual property law, library & intelligence, media operation, and information management made speech and confirmed the progress and achievements of the project. They displayed and analyzed the basic achievement, made assessment and prediction on “IP Know” website, and had heated discussion on improvement and development of the project. With respect to operation and construction of “IP Know” website, experts and scholars spoke highly of the website with constructive suggestion. They all had optimistic insights on the “IP Know” website despite the current weakness. They proposed valuable suggestion in the field of future design, user’s experience, and development mode.

The conference received over 30 seminar or research papers, and all were compiled in the “Major Project of National Social Science Foundation Research on the Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Information Database” 2015 Annual Conference/Academic Seminar”, which would be published shortly.

The conference made substantial achievement, display the academic and practical value of the “Research on the Construction of National Intellectual Property Documents & Information Database” project. As Prof. XiaoQing Feng said in the end, “The conference matches what the title described, not only is a working conference, but an academic seminar. From the perspective of development and construction of ‘IP Know’, it is a working conference. On the other hand, the conference makes discussion on theory and practice of information technology, intelligence, management and operation. Hence it should be an academic seminar. Our insistence and belief lead to significant achievement, and we will continue on the project by overcoming all difficulty.”

The conference finally reached a great success and ended with enthusiastic applauds from all participants.

上一条:Prof. XiaoQing Feng Attended and Made Specialized Speech in the Advanced Seminar