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Prof. Ying Liu Hosted Lecture on Legal Affairs, Session 18th
2015-07-07     (点击: )

On Apr. 10th, 2015 Prof. Ying Liu hosted the “Lecture on Legal Affairs——Lawyers Skills & Trial Preparation” in China University of Political Science and Law. The main lecturer were the arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Mr. GuangBing Liu, and lawyer of Beijing Jingtai Law Firm, Ms. QiuYu Lu. Mr. Liu argued that “representing at trial was a ritual” in legal practice for lawyers. Lawyers should not only focused on skills on trial, but the preparation for trial. He continued to divide the preparation into three steps: know the truth (through meeting or investigation), analysis and plan, achieve the goal. He described the three steps in detail and incorporated theory into practice in a clear and fascinating way. The Intellectual Property Clinic invites judges, arbitrators, and lawyers to make specialized lecture in the subject of legal practice in classroom each semester. Such kind of teaching practice has last for 10 years and received positive feedback from students.

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下一条:Prof. XiaoQing Feng Attended and Made Specialized Speech in the Advanced Seminar