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Prof. Jian Chen Attended Expert Seminar on Outline of E-commerce Legislation
2015-07-07     (点击: )

From Apr. 1st to Apr. 3rd 2015, the Expert Seminar on Outline of E-commerce Legislation was held in Hangzhou. The vice-chairman Ping Zhang of Standing Committee of National People Congress attended the seminar and made speech. The vice-directors Zushan Lv and Peng Seng of Financial and Economic Affairs Committee, and Vice-director Linsheng Mao and Ming Feng of Standing Committee of Provincial People’s Congress attended the seminar. Associate Prof. Jian Cheng of CUPL attended this seminar. According to report, the legislation of E-commerce Law would initiate in the end of 2013. The drafting process was predicted to be completed within this year and delivered to National People Congress for examination next year.

Hundreds of participants from Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of NPC, national administrative agencies, enterprises from different regions, and legal experts conducted thorough and deep-level discussion on legislative position of E-commerce Law, the legislative purpose and principle, legislative structure, major contents, and cross border e-business. Meanwhile, they made survey and investigation of Alibaba Corporation Group and China (Hangzhou) Cross Border E-commerce General Lab Zone in the exact locations.

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