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Prof. Xiaoqing Feng Invited to Attend the Frist Intellectual Property Courts For
2015-07-07     (点击: )

Prof. Xiaoqing Feng was the commentator in the session of “Intellectual Property Judicial Protection and Innovation”, made respective comments on arguments of different participating experts, and confirmed the important effect of intellectual property judicial protection and innovative development. The seminar reached a great success. During Apr. 16th to 17th 2015, Prof. Xiaoqing Feng was invited to attend the First Intellectual Property Courts Forum. The forum was jointly hosted by Intellectual Property School of Renmin University and Beijing Intelelctual Property Research Association. Other supporting organizations includes: Intellectual Property Court of Beijing High People’s Court, Beijing Intelelctual Property Court, Beijing Intellectual Property Office, and China Intellectual Property Law Research Association. The forum was held in Beijing Shiji Jingyuan Hotel.

The opening ceremony of forum was hosted by vice-president and Prof. He Guo of Intellectual Property School, Renmin University. Presiding judge Xiaoming Song of Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People’s Court, Chief judge Su Chi of Beijing Intellectual Property Court, President and Prof. Chuntian Liu of Intellectual Property School of Renmin University and Intellectual Property Research Association, and vice-director of Beijing Intellectual Property Office made specialized speech. The forum was divided into the Construction and Future of China Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Judicial Protection and Innovative Development, Intellectual Property Judicial Protection—the Practice of Procedural Preservation, and Intelelctual Property Judicial Protection—Burden of Proof and Assessing of Damages Remedy. The Forum also held round table meeting, and was hosted by Vice-president Jingchuan Chen of Beijing Intellectual Property.

上一条:Prof. Jian Chen Attended Expert Seminar on Outline of E-commerce Legislation
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