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Prof. Xiaoqing Feng Invited to attend National Intelelctual Property Courts Work
2015-07-07     (点击: )

Prof. Xiaoqing Feng was invited by the Supreme People’s Court to attend the National Intelelctual Property Courts Work Forum. Vice-president of the Supreme People’s Court Yuankai Tao, Presiding judge of Intellectual Property Court Xiaoming Song, Vice-director of Central Judicial Reform Committee, presiding judges or vice-presiding judges of Intellectual Property Courts of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and Scholars from China Renmin University, Tsinghua University, China University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, and UIEB attended the forum. Participants in the forum made heartily discussion, and Judge Yuankai Tao made the crucial speech in the end. The forum reached a great success.

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