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Prof. Xiaoqing Feng and Prof. Xiaopeng Lai meet with Dr. Jasem in Intellectual P
2015-07-07     (点击: )

On the morning of Mar. 24th 2015, Prof. Xiaoqing Feng and Prof. Xiaopeng Lai meet with Dr. Jasem in intellectual property from University of Manchester based on the invitation by Office of International Cooperation and Exchange. They had conversation on student education, academic communication and other cooperative affairs. The secretary of Director on Office of International Cooperation and Exchange also attended the meeting. After the meeting, Dr. Jasem held a lecture in the title of Status and Development of UK Trademark System for Master and PHD students in intellectual property law. The meeting and academic lecture reached a great success.

上一条:US Prof. Llew Gibbons and Prof. Lars Smith Visited CUPL and held Academic Lectur