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Assistant Prof. Zhang Nan
2015-07-07     (点击: )

Contact by:

Email: naninlaw@hotmail.com

Address: Institute of Intellectual Property Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, P.R. China

Nan Zhang, female, PHD in law of University of London, lecturer of Institute of Intellectual Property in CCELS, CUPL; Researcher of European Research Center, CUPL; member of Expert Committee on Medicine IP of China Health Law Association;

Member of China Intellectual Property News Expert Collective; fluency in Chinese and English, good at bilingual teaching, focus on intellectual property.


Intellectual Property Law;

Intellectual Property Clinic;

Seminar on Intellectual Property Law.

Academic Writings:

Celebration of 30 Anniversary Cooperation Publication by China State Intellectual Property Office and EU Patent Office, member of authors’ group, Intellectual Property Press, 2015 edition (Chinese and English version);

Research on Intellectual Property Clinic Education (Chief-author for joint work), Education Papers of CUPL, Issue 17, May 2015;

Research on Patent Administrative Regulation through TRIPs agreement, China Intellectual Property News, July 25th, 2015;

Counseling paper the Revision on Patent Law of Enhancement on Administrative Protection, the Fourth Revision Conference of State Intellectual Property Office, 2013-2014;

“Jiangnan Buyi” Disagreement and “Buyi Jiangnan” Failure, China Intellectual Property News, April 1st, 2013;

The Development of Sound Trademark, China Intellectual Property Journal (English version), Apr. 2013;

Global Management of Intellectual Property, (Joint translation), Original author is Professor Peter Drahos, Australian National University, selected into “Classical Translation of State Intellectual Property Office”, Intellectual Property Press Apr. 2013 edition, ISBN: 978-7-5130-1778-7/G.556;

“Wangwang” sued “Taobao Wangwang” reversed at first instance, China Intellectual Property News, Dec. 28th, 2012;

The Development of China Trademark Law, London University Intellectual Property Journal, Issue 3. 2012, Edward Elgar Press (English);

Analysis of Latest Judicial Interpretation by the Supreme People’s Court by New Varieties of Plant, Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Issue 5. 2007, Oxford University Press (English version).

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