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Associate Prof. Yang Sun
2015-07-07     (点击: )

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Email: symszh@cupl.edu.cn; shunkyo@163.com

Address: Institute of Intellectual Property Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, P.R. China

Yang Sun, Associate Professor of Law of CCELS, CUPL;

I Background of Education

Bachelor of Law, School of Law Xiamen University, Sept. 2006—Jul. 2010;

LL.M.-thesis in Intellectual Property, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University, Aug. 2010—Jul. 2012;

S.J.D., Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) in Intellectual Property, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University, Aug. 2012—Dec. 2014.

II Academic Writings

1. Yang Sun, Reassessing Damage Remedy to Online Copyright Infringement,

Cyberspace Law eJournal Vol. 17, Issue 85.

2. Yang Sun, Copyright Law Enforcement in Online Environment, Intellectual Property: Copyright Law eJournal Vol. 5, Issue 33.

3. Yang Sun, The Road of Cooperation: Assessing the Evolving Interaction between Copyright Owners and ISPs — From ISP Legislation to the Graduated Response, Information Systems & Economics eJournal Vol. 6, Issue 69.

4. Yang Sun, Rightholder as the Center: The DRM System in Copyright after so Many Years, Innovation Law &Policy eJournal Vol 2, Issue 81.

III Area of Focus

Prof. Sun focuses on Online Intellectual Property, especially on forefront and hotspot issues of online copyright regulation, law enforcement and management. Prof. Sun is acquainted with copyright theory, rationales, and case law in the US and the European Union. His area of focus includes but not limited to: online copyright enforcement and management, analysis of online copyright infringement and legal remedy, the creation and licensing of online copyrighted works, and Behavioral Economics of different parties within copyright system.

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