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Prof. Shu Wang
2015-07-07     (点击: )

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Email: llld1234@sohu.com

Address: Institute of Intellectual Property Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, P.R. China

Prof. Shu Wang, female, Professor of Law in CCELS, CUPL; Chief Lecturer of IP Clinic; vice-director of Center for Intellectual Property; lawyers of Beijing Zhongkai Law Firm

Working experiences:

Faculty in Economic Law Department of CUPL, 1984—1994;

Lawyer in China Legal Service (Hong Kong) Ltd. Co., 1994—2000;

Faculty of IIPL in CCELS, CUPL, 2000——present;

Vice-president of Center for Intellectual Property, 2005—present.

Academic Writing:

Shu Wang: China Intellectual Property Border Protection, Beijing Normal University Press, 2011 edition.

Other Information:

Prof. Wang worked in Huanghe Machine Corporation in 1975, obtained the admission into Northwest University of Law (former Northwest Law School), and had worked as a professional teacher in Economic Law Department of CUPL since 1984. During the time in CUPL, she was a visiting scholar and worked in US law firm for one year, and conducted the comparison between common law system and civil law system. In 1994, she was deployed by the Ministry of Justice and the Central People’s Government to China Legal Service (Hong Kong) Ltd. Co. for oversea legal services and became the chief representative in Beijing agency. She was also the senior partner of this Corporation and registered in Hong Kong Lawyers Association. During the period, Prof. Wang earned the Master degree in Economic Law. In 2000, she returned to CUPL and worked as faculty in Institute of Intellectual Property in CCELS, and was employed as vice-director of Center for Intellectual Property, CUPL in 2005. For long term professional legal teaching and legal practice, Prof. Wang had sufficient theory and practical experiences in intellectual property, securities, and foreign investment. She participated in multiple editing and compilation of higher education textbooks, published a number of law articles in core journal, and currently hosts Major Project of National Social Science Foundation.

Area of Focus

Intellectual Property Customs Protection

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