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Call for Papers
2015-07-09     (点击: )

  Journal of Intellectual Property is a professional academic legal journal published by the Institute of Intellectual Property under the Civil, Commercial, and Economic Law Department in CUPL. The journal devotes to the discussion of theoretical and practical issues in the field of intellectual Property as well as other relevant interdiscipline. The journal aims at guarantying superior academic quality, reporting domestic and international newly development or forefront issues in IP area, and displaying new insights and solutions for IP theoretical and practical problems. The axiom for Journal of Intellectual Property is: Supreme Worldwide, Pioneering Nationwide. The journal focuses on IP legal theory, IP law system, IP case review, IP management and licensing, and IP hot-spot issues, etc. Welcome papers from domestic or foreign scholars and experts!

  Submission Requirement:

  1. All papers must be original; Never published on other paper-based or electronic media; guarantee no infringement; translation must obtain authorization; the journal does not account for any legal dispute due to infringement.

  2. No joint papers by faculties and students so as to secure the academic quality.

  3. English papers should limit the words within 18000; Submission of English papers to Journal constitutes the authorization for translation to Chinese by the Journal, and the Journal hold the right for publication. The author otherwise can hold the above right.

  4. Submission will not be returned, please keep your original copy; the review process typically last for three months; exceeding three months with no further notices, paper can be further disposed.

  5. The Journal immediately stop publication once infringement is found, the author is liable for all losses to the Journal due to the infringement.

  6. Papers represents arguments and insights solely by authors, not by the Journal. Copyright is reserved to the author, yet the Journal has the right of adaptation as well as the publication.

  Format & Citation Criteria:

  English papers should abide by Chicago Manuel of Style 15th Edition.  

  Journal of Intellectual Property,

editorial department
