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2014 China Courts Top-ten IP Cases
2015-07-07     (点击: )

I Intellectual Property Civil Case

1. Commercial Slander as Unfair Competition Dispute in Internet Market

Beijing Qihu Technology Ltd. Co. & Tencent Technology Ltd. Co. Unfair Competition Dispute Appellate Case [Supreme People’s Court (2013) Min San Zhong Zi No.5 Civil Adjudication];

2. Abuse of Marketing Position and Monopoly Dispute in Internet Market

Beijing Qihu Technology Ltd. Co. & Tencent Technology Ltd. Co. Abuse of Marketing Position Dispute Appellate Case [Supreme People’s Court (2013) Min San Zhong Zi No. 4 Civil Adjudication];

3. “Baoqing” Trademark Exclusive Licensing Contract & Trademark Infringement Dispute

Nanjing Baoqing Jewelry Ltd. Co. & Nanjing Baoqing Jeweler’s Shop Exclusive Licensing Contract Dispute and Trademark Infringement Appellate Case [Jiangsu High People’s Court (2012) Su Zhi Min Zhong Zi No. 154 Civil Adjudication]

4. “quna.com” Pre-registered Domain Name Unfair Competition Dispute Case

Beijing Quna Information Technology Ltd. Co. & Guangzhou Quna Information Technology Ltd. Co. Unfair Competition Dispute Appellate Case [Guangdong High People’s Court (2013) Yue Gao Fa Min San Zhong Zi No. 565 Civil Adjudication]

5. Infringement on Exclusive Right of Integrated Circuits Layout Design Dispute Case

Juquan Guangdian Technology (Shanghai) Co. & Shanghai Yachuang Electronic Components Ltd. Co. Infringement on Exclusive Right of Integrated Circuits Layout Design Appellate Case [Shanghai High People’s Court (2014) Hu Gao Min San (Zhi) Zhong Zi No. 12 Civil Adjudication]

6. Internet Distribution Right Pre-trial Injunction Dispute

Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Ltd. Co. & Guangzhou NetBase Computer System Ltd. Co. infringement on Internet Distribution Rights of Musical Works with respect to Pre-trial Injunction Dispute [Hubei Province Wuhan Intermediary People’s Court (2014) Ewuhan Zhong Zhi Jin Han Zi No. 5, No.5-1, No. 5-2 Civil Adjudication]

II Intelelctual Property Administrative Case

7. “Daoxiang Cun” Trademark Objection Reexamination Administrative Dispute Case

Suzhou Daoxiang Cun Food Industry Ltd. Co., Trademark Examination Committee of SAIC, and Beijing Daoxiang Cun Food Ltd. Co. Trademark Objection Reexamination Administrative Dispute Appellate Case [Beijing High People’s Court (2014) Gao Xing Zhong Zi No. 1103 Administrative Adjudication]

8. “Zhujia Zhuang Bifeng Tangji Tu” Trademark Dispute Case

Shanghai Bifeng Tang Food Ltd. Co., Trademark Examination Committee of SAIC, and Shanghai Panshi Yizhou Dining Management Ltd. Co. Trademark Objection Reexamination Administrative Dispute Appellate Case [Supreme People’s Court (2013) Xing Ti Zi No. 8 Administrative Adjudication]

9.“Medical Components and Pharmaceutical Method for Treatment on Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland” Invention Patent Invalid Administrative Dispute Case

Beijing Yadong Biology Pharmaceutical Medicine Ltd. Co. & Patent Reexamination Committee of State Intellectual Property Office Patent Administrative Dispute Retrial [Supreme People’s Court (2013) Zhi Xing Zi No. 77 Administrative Adjudication]

III Intellectual Property Criminal Case

10. Copyright Infringement Criminal Case

Zhiquan Zhou and other Seven Criminals Copyright Infringement Case [Beijing 1st Intermediary Court (2014) Yi Zhong Xing Zhong Zi No. 2516 Criminal Adjudication]

上一条:2014 China Courts Top-ten Innovative IP Cases