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Research Center for Intangible Assets Management, CUPL
2015-08-28     (点击: )


TheResearch Center for Intangible Assets Management in China University of Political Science and Law was founded in October, 2009, and was the first Center for Intangible Assets Management in China.The Director of Center, Prof. XiaoQing Feng, is the National Intellectual Property Major Program Academic Leader, Director of Institute of Intellectual Property, and Vice-director of China Intellectual Property Association.

The major responsibilityof center includes but not limited to: establish academic platform on the basis of CUPL; conduct research on intangible assets; provides specialized counseling, training, and other specialized services on the management of intangible assets for society; improve the self-developing capability, and upgrade the center as the most famous academic institute for intangible assets management nationwide.

      With the development of intellectual economy and scientific technology nowadays, intangible assets play an indispensable role for both the country and the enterprises, especially as the important components of enterprises property. Because of various kinds of reasons, the country lacks of sufficient attention and research on management of intangible assets.Therefore, it is critically necessary to enhance the research on intangible assets management. This center depends on the research team and academic achievement on the discipline of law and management in CUPL, extends the research range of intangible assets, and significantly enhance the influence and position of CUPL in the field of intangible assets nationwide as well as the research reputation worldwide. As a result, the center motivates the development of intangible assets management discipline, and meanwhile provides the country with advanced talents in the field of intangible assets management.

      The strengths of center lie in powerful research team and profound academic achievements with respect to intangible assets management as well as the strong and reliable connection to relevant institutes and agencies nationwide or worldwide.  Furthermore, the center has made substantial achievements based on the discipline of law and management. For example, Director and Prof. XiaoQing Feng has obtained a number of achievements and awards:hosted the National Social Science Foundation “Research on Legal Operating System of Technology Innovation for Enterprises and Intellectual Property Strategies” and other programs; published Intellectual Property Management for Enterprises, which was awarded the “National Level Textbooks”; published over 100 law articles in domestic or international journals. The center has a distinguished academic research team, and hired domestic or foreign prominent experts and scholars as guesting researchers or professors in the field of intangible assets management, including Guesting Prof. David Teecee of Business School, UC Berkeley, Presiding Judge Thomas J. R. Voit of German Federal Patent Court, President Kwang-Jun Kim of Licensing Executive Society South Korea, Lawyer Junichi Yamazaki of Licensing Executive Society Japan.

      The developing plan for the center in recent years emphasizes on following aspects: apply for and secure national or provincial level research projects; obtain scientific research projects from enterprises; complete Intellectual Property Management for Enterprises, Intellectual Property Operating Management for Enterprises, Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Strategy for Enterprises, and other valuable books;

publish a volume of high influential academic papers on the subject of intangible assets management; reinforce the communication and cooperation with SASAC, State Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Science and Technology, and the connection with foreign academic institutes; provide counseling services and training for government agencies and corporations; increase the opportunities of communication and cooperation with foreign intangible assets and intellectual property agencies; educate advanced talents a of intangible assets management through visiting scholars. The center emphasizes on the theory of intangible assets management, state owned intangible assets management, intangible assets management for enterprises, and intellectual property management.

Contact: Prof. XiaoQing Feng,fengxiaoqingipr@sina.com

Website: http://www.fengxiaoqingip.com

Director of the Center

Prof. XiaoQing Feng

Contact by:


Website: http://www.fengxiaoqingip.com;

Address: Institute of Intellectual Property Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, P.R. China

Prof. Feng is the Vice-director of China Intellectual Property Association, Professor of Law and Dissertation Supervisor in CUPL, Director of Research Center for Intangible Assets Management in China University of Political Science and Law, National Intellectual Property Major Program Academic Leader, Director of Institute of Intellectual Property, and Director of PHD program in Intellectual Property. He is also the member of Academic Committee of China Intellectual Property Research Association, member of State Intellectual Property Strategy Expert Collective, member of Case Advisory Committee of the Supreme People’s Court, the first-round Researcher of Intellectual Property Judicial Protection Research Center of Supreme People’s Court, lawyers of Beijing Tianchi Hongfan Law Firm, and arbitrators of Beijing Arbitration Association. Prof. Feng obtains a number of awards and honors, including elected into State-level Million Talents Project; awarded “Young & Middle-aged Experts of Significant Contribution”, Second-round State Top-ten Young & Middle-aged Scholars, First-round Top-ten Influential Intellectual Property People in Beijing, Scholars of New Century Excellent Talents Project (Ministry of Education), Frist-round Excellent Young & Middle-aged Faculty Project of CUPL, First-round National Academic Leader on Intellectual Property. Prof. Feng’s area of interest covers intellectual property law, management and strategy of intellectual property, lawyers practice, analysis of intellectual property difficult cases, and intellectual property management and strategy for enterprises.

Prof. Feng has worked on teaching, research, and practice in intellectual property for more than 20 years. His bibliography includes independent academic writings such asGeneral Theory of Copyright Law, General Theory of Industrial Rights, Intellectual Property Law, Trial Research on Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Strategy for Enterprises (State-level textbooks), Intellectual Property Management for Enterprises, Theory and Practice of Intellectual Property, Theory of Interest-balancing on Intellectual Property; Compilation such asGlobalization and intellectual Protection, Research on Forefront Issues of Intellectual Property Law(series books, editor-in-chief), Research on Hotspot issues of Intellectual Property Law (series books), Research on intellectual property Case Review and Theory(12 volumes), Intellectual Property Law (High Education Textbook for Undergraduate), the Guide to National Patent Lawyers Examination; over 30 textbooks (one published in English in UK); joint works like Patent Law and Dynamic-balancing Copyright Law, etc. Moreover, Prof. Feng published more than 100 academic articles inthe Copyright Society of the USA(SSCI), Journal of World Intellectual Property, International Private Law Journal, Journal of Law and Information Science, China Legal Science, Tribune of Political Science and Law,Law Science, Science of Law, Modern Law Science,The Jurist,Intellectual Property, Journal of Renmin University of China, and over 20 law articles in English legal journals in the US, UK, Australia, and Switzerland. His Papers have been reprinted for more than 30 times by Xinhua Digest, Renmin University Journal Information Printing, China Social Science Digest, and Academic Digest of High Education. Prof. Feng presided over 20 research programs including National Social Science Foundation Major Project, National Natural Science Foundation Major Project, State Intellectual Property Strategy Project, Major Project under Ministry of Education, Humanity and Social Science Major Research Project under Ministry of Education, and China Post-doctor Scientific Foundation Project. Specifically, Prof. Feng hosted one National Social Science Foundation Major Project, one National Social Science Foundation Project, ten Provincial Social Science Foundation Projects, and took charge of over ten National Major Projects. The research results received one Third Prize of Excellent Social Science Research, two Second Prize of Excellent Social Science Research, one Second Prize of Excellent Teaching for High Education, and one Second Prize for Technology Progress (all are provincial-level).

Cooperation Intent

To upgrade the quality of education on advanced specialized talents in Center for Intangible Assets Management, to encourage the combination of research and industrial production, to perform the responsibility of academic supporting and talents education, to display the positive social image of the center, and to reinforce solid cooperation between theory and practice, the Center for Intangible Assets Management, CUPL (short for Center) proposes cooperative intent with domestic or foreign intellectual property intermediary corporations, law firms, and relevant corporations. The cooperation mainly contributes to the academic research on intellectual property (intangible assets) and education of talents.

      Cooperative Contents (two or above)

1. Jointly host counseling meeting, training, lecture, propaganda, and other specialized activities that closely related to intellectual property (intangible assets) with the Center;

2. Provide financial support to Center for program research, construction of academic website, and other academic activities (host expert lecture, academic salon, seminar,compilation or joint compilation of academic writings);

3. Provide financial support to students (Master or PHD) in the Center for innovation of theory and practice, set up scholarship program for intellectual property (intangible assets management) so as to support excellent talents in intellectual property (intangible assets management), CUPL;

4. Establish practical base for education of advanced talents on intellectual property (intangible assets management), CUPL; constitute the cooperation for practical training on intellectual property (intangible assets management);

5. Center hires guesting researchers or guesting professors who have sufficient practical experiences on intellectual property (intangible assets management), and make substantial contribution to the Center. The Center provide title sponsorship opportunities within the university policy to sponsors who offer financial support that reached certain amount.

Cooperative Process

With cooperative intent, both parties officially sign the cooperative contract through negotiation, and strictly follow the contract clauses for further cooperative affairs. The Center looks forward to financial support from cooperative partner on research program and academic activities (set up sponsoring program). The Center gives priority to experts who make the above financial support on theissue of hiring as researcher (or guesting researcher) under equivalent circumstance.
