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Prof. Chu Zhang
2015-07-07     (点击: )

 Chu Zhang, is the Professor of Law in CUPL, the dissertation supervisor, and the director of Research Center for Intellectual Property, CUPL. He was the former director of Institute of Intellectual Property (short for IIPL) of CCELS, CUPL; the director of Teaching Division of Science and Technology, CUPL; the director of Zhongguancun Science Park, CUPL; and the Executive Director of Zhongguancun Intellectual Property Protection Institute. His area of focus covers Intellectual Property Law, E-commerce Law, Internet Law, and Communication Law. He is also PHD in Civil and Commercial Law of CUPL, visiting scholar of Columbia Law School, and School of Law, Temple University. He published over 10 academic monographs, textbooks, and case books as well as dozens of academic articles.

  Prof. Zhang is the member of National Legal Education and Training for Medium and Advanced Officers, member of National Intellectual Property Strategy Expert Collective, member of Policy and Resource Committee on China Internet Association, member of E-Signature Specialized Committee on China Electronic Association, expert of Online Domain Name Dispute Resolution Committee of China International Economy and Trade Arbitration, executive member of China Intellectual Property Law Association, invited member of Internet and High-tech Committee of National Lawyers Association, editor of Information Security by Ministry of Information and Industry, chief-editor of Internet Forefront, adjunct research member of Center for Civil and Commercial Law in Renmin University, expert of Beijing Intellectual Property Evidence Center, and legislative expert of Shenzhen Information Law Legislation.

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